

My fondest childhood memory takes me back to age five when I lived with my grandparents in Mexico. This was a time of pure bliss, innocence, and love.  This is when my grandfather taught me the healing power of communing with The Divine through silence.  We would frequently visit the vacant lot next door and sit quietly under the Sun or Moon to absorb, as he put it, “Todo el Amor que existe” - all the love that exists. I looked forward to these precious moments with my Abuelo, as we closed our eyes to feel the radiance of our Sun and Moon. It was these moments during my formative years that deeply rooted my desire to embrace Sacredness through various modalities.

As I got older, Astrology made its way to my heart.  I was thirteen when it found me. And although my astrology knowledge was basic as a teen, it brought me much solace and comfort through some difficult times. I continued to seek it and learn from it through the years.  It hydrated and nourished my soul and helped me understand myself and my place in this world better. Tarot and Reiki would later seek me, along with meditation and Shakti mantras. Each modality found me during different crisis points in my life, and each time became a solution and healing. As these tools became part of my every day living, I started to share astrology and tarot readings with friends, family, and even strangers. Once I accepted that this work is one of my callings, I took a leap of faith; left my corporate job and turned my passion into my career. And here I am!

My approach is simple: I focus on the theme that is most important to you at the time of your astrology and/or tarot reading.  I ask source to reveal that which is most helpful for your continued growth in that area.  Reiki (Life Force Energy) is always present in my readings, as I access that energy to flow through me during my sessions.

Astrology, Reiki, Tarot are Sacred tools that can help you access your deeper self by revealing your needs, wants, and talents. My desire is that any session you have with me, brings value to your life and contributes to your expansion, so you can navigate through life from a higher vibration and live the best version of yourself!

I look forward to sharing these gifts and being of service to you.

With soul,

Elena Valdez

“And remember always, that YOU are Sacred” - EV